

Glan Gors Residents Association

Leaseholder & Tenants


Tree Surgery Project 2023-2024

The tree surgery project was agreed with MSB who gave permission for it to go ahead using Maintenance Reserve Funds held by the Association.

The aim of the project is maintain all trees on the estate, specific areas as below.

Raise the tree canopies on Paths, in Car Parks, Around Dying Areas.

Stabilize trees by removing limbs that are a problem.

Remove trees that are unsafe or diseased.

Below are some pictures to show you what has been done, it’s not easy to show a lot of the work as its bits here and bits there. What you will notice is how open and tidy the estate looks now.

Car Parks that have been cleared.

Large car park at the front of the estate.


Car Parks at the rear of the estate.


Drying Area at the front of the estate.


Rear Drying Area.


Middle drying area, leaning large tree to come down.



Rear Parking Area.







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