

Glan Gors Residents Association

Leaseholder & Tenants




Dear Members

It has been quite a long time since the AGM Meeting in  May, I did try to send out an update by email some time  ago but only got 5 responses, so not really sure how  many people got it.

I am sending this News Letter by  post but to save cost going forward can I ask anybody happy to receive emails to email the association email  address residentsassociation@glangors.info. I am also  including the Minutes Produced from the 2023 AGM.

At the AGM one of my main reasons for standing was I  felt I could resolve the impasse between the Residents  Association and MSB. I also stated that I intended to  come to an agreement with MSB to spend around 30k  which was the old Reserve Fund for the estate on  projects that eased demands on the Service Charge and  improved the estate for all, but to protect the  Associations Funds. At the AGM Paul Nicholson (Chairman) asked me if I  was aware of and accepted the letter the committee sent  to MSB in July 2022 that set out criteria that needed to  be met by MSB and the willingness to transfer the  Reserve Fund to a Sinking fund held by MSB. I  acknowledged that I was aware and accepted it.

I am pleased to say that I have had a couple of meetings  with MSB, we had open discussions including  discussions on the old reserve fund we were holding. I  made it clear that as I lived on the estate and was not  working I would not hand over the money to an MSB  sinking fund as I would manage agreed projects  directly. MSB and I have reached agreement on this, MSB  included 3 years accounts in the Service Charge notice  meeting the requirement set out in the committee letter  of 2022.

The project that MSB has agreed I can take forward and  manage is a Full independent survey of all trees on the  estate and all recommended work. As there has been no  actual tree maintenance over the last 50 years I knew  this project would involve major costs. When the survey  was completed MSB were a bit shocked at how much  work was required and the cost of the work. The cost of the work is just over £17000.00, why so  expensive, see below.

Tree Maintenance Project Tree surveyor must be approved by Snowdonia  National Park and be able to produce the required  BS:3998 (2010) report. Submit Survey Report and work  schedule to Snowdonia National Park for approval and  manage any queries. Criteria for Survey to Assess Stability of trees Need to raise canopies in areas of Roads, Car Parks and  Walkways. Look at trees that threaten buildings, sewers, water  supplies. Trees affecting Drying and Bin areas Project to include removal of all pruning and tree felling  waste.

It is important that this is an independent survey and  report, personal preferences can not be accommodated.  For example in the more than 10 years I have lived here  because of tree growth I have lost my view of Harlech  castle and the Snowdonia range. The work being carried  out will not improve my views, I mention this as an  example of how an independent survey needs to work  and can not accommodate individual preferences.

Although the cost of this project is £17,000 I believe the  letter that was sent to MSB in 2022 (which I believe was  voted on by Members) means I have the authority to  continue with this project. I know it wont please  everybody but it benefits all leaseholders in all parts of  the estate, and as the Reserve Fund was paid by all  Leaseholder not just Members of GGRA I believe it is  a good project. I would appreciate your thoughts, you can email me at  the email address already listed or write to me at 83  Glan Gors, LL46 2NX.

My discussions with Mark Foreman of MSB included  looking at ongoing estate maintenance that they need to  start scheduling going forward including they plan for costs. Items discussed so far include ongoing tree  maintenance, resurfacing of paths around the estate,  repairing and enlarging the drying area at the front of  the estate.

We have also discussed that MSB need to  look at replanting trees around the edge of the estate as  these were a requirement of Snowdonia National Parks.  Please email me with any ideas you have. One thing that I have discussed with MSB in relation to  the current tree project is the planting of an orchard in  the middle of the main green. This is in part to pacify  Snowdonia National Parks as we will be looking at  removing around 14 trees of different sizes.

What we  don’t want to do is plant really large trees and fruit trees  would produce a useful crop for residents. Again we  would be interested in your views on this.

Dumped Rubbish (Fly Tipping) We have a real problem with Leaseholder and Tenants dumping Household items and Building Rubbish. There is a Recycling Center just a couple of miles away,  you can also arrange for the council to collect items  from your property, you arrange this through the  Gwynedd Council Website.

Dumping your unwanted items in or around the bin  areas is actually FLY TIPPING as the council will not  take it away. Recently a leaseholder dumped Plasterboard in one of  the green bins in the middle car park. The council  actually removed it and left it in the car park as it is  illegal to dump or put plasterboard in the bins.  Plasterboard is classed as HAZADOUS WASTE and  requires special disposal. A couple of times in the past illegal waste in our bins  has severely damaged the waste collection lorry. We also have an issue with having to request that bins  need to be emptied more often than scheduled. One of  the reasons we have this issue is the crap people put in  the general waste bins, TV’s, Chairs, Prams,  Microwaves. I DO NOT need to explain non of these  items should be in the green bins. If people continue to  abuse the bins then Gwynedd Council would be within  their rights to simply refuse to empty our bins.



Final Comment It has taken a lot of effort and time to come to a point  where in my view we have a working relationship with  the Managing Agent MSB. Also coming to agreement  on how the Old Reserve Fund should be spent, it took a  bit of effort to get MSB to accept that I was not willing  to transfer any funds to them and manage the projects  myself.

If we are honest MSB have actually done a good job  looking after the estate and keeping the Service Charge  low, though we have to accept that the Service Charge  will have to increase at some point.

The estate insurance  has gone up from around £11,000 9 years ago to over  £23,000 plus all other things have gone up in price a  great deal in the last couple of years.

I must also urge you to read all the documents that come  with the Service Charge Invoice, I know many people I  have spoken to have missed the rise in the excess on  properties empty for more than 30 day’s who do not  comply with insurance instruction. The new excess is  £20,000!!!

I will aim to send out a Newsletter in February 2024  giving an update and details of the next AGM which I am  aiming to go back to Easter as long as I can book the  hall. Easter was always a good choice historically as  many more people tended to be here. Please remember you can email any queries or  comments to our email address  residentsassociation@glangors.info. Web address  www.glangors.info Peter Hunter Marks 83 Glan Gors Glan Gors Residents Association Chairman




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